Photo of Mrs. Carrie Tripp

Sept. 1 is Curriculum and Instruction Day, so this week we’re celebrating Director of Curriculum and Instructor Carrie Tripp, who has been part of our D32 family for six years. 

Curriculum and Instruction specialists like Mrs. Tripp act as their school’s “manager of education programs and platforms.” She is responsible for ensuring that all educational programs at District 32 meet state and national standards. She is the person who takes the data from state and national assessments, or “standardized tests,” and helps administrators and teachers identify patterns of learning. This information is then used to improve instruction in the classroom; teachers are able to identify areas where additional or alternative methods of teaching will benefit the class and individual students.  

Mrs. Tripp is also a mentor and model to all teachers at District 32, according to Mr. John Cross, a high school science teacher and president of the district’s Professional Development Committee. 

“Carrie Tripp wears many different hats in her role as Director of Curriculum and Instruction which include supporting veteran teachers and new teachers,” Mr. Cross said. “In her support of veteran teachers, Carrie takes the time to research new methods of teaching a topic, and then provides those possibilities to teachers so that they can better reach students and improve their understanding of the topic. Carrie serves as our coordinator of our New Teacher Program and serves as an additional resource and mentor for teachers new to the teaching profession. 

“Additionally, Carrie serves as the district liaison for the Professional Development Committee, where she helps to plan all professional development activities to support our staff, and serves as a link between the staff and the administration. We are grateful for all the work Carrie does to support our staff and students every day, regardless of the hat she may be wearing,” Mr. Cross said. 

 This is Mrs. Tripp’s second year in this role. 

 “Prior to that I served as Assistant Principal at Perry County Middle School for four years,” she said. “I spent nine years in the same classroom at Arcadia Valley School District teaching various combinations of seventh grade English-language arts, seventh grade reading, middle school mass media, high school mass media, Junior English, Films, and Senior English.”

Mrs. Tripp’s education, certification, and experience is wide and deep. She earned a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education, holds a master's degree in Secondary Administration, and holds teaching certificates for Grades 1-6 and Grades 9-12 English, as well as a secondary building administration certificate.

 “I am on target to graduate with my Educational Specialist Superintendent Program through Northwest Missouri State University at the end summer of 2022,” she said. 

 In addition to working at school and being a student herself, Mrs. Tripp enjoys spending time with her family, her church family and in her garden. 

“My husband of 25 years, Chris, is the welding instructor at Perryville Area Career & Technology Center,” she said. “We love the people and the community in Perry County. We have two adult children, Cameron and Lillian. Cameron serves in the United States Army and is currently stationed at Fort Lewis. Lillian is  currently finishing her geology research and degree at University of Illinois. Our family is firmly anchored in our faith family and spend time serving alongside our congregation in various ways. If I'm not supposed to be doing something specific, you'll find me reading fiction novels or planting flowers. There will never be enough books or flowers in my life.”

The Tripp family - Lillian, Carrie, Chris and Cameron