Mrs. Debbie Baer, director of food services at Perry County School District 32, displays the prizes awarded to 22 lucky students this week. The winners were drawn from the names of students whose families returned a lunch application this year. Ten students each won a $100 Amazon gift card, and 12 students won a refurbished Chromebook. The District asked all families to complete a free/reduced lunch application during open houses and orientations this year and offered the prizes to encourage participation. Although all children can eat free breakfast and lunch this school year, District families were asked to complete the form – even if they may not qualify – for two reasons: First, public schools are awarded funding based on free/reduced enrollment, and second, to help reduce the stigma associated with completing the form. “We’re grateful to all of our parents who returned applications,” Mrs. Baer said. “So much of our funding is determined by how many students in our community qualify for free or reduced meals.” Those programs include Title 1 - teachers who provide reading and math interventions for student who need extra help, kitchen equipment grants, teacher loan forgiveness programs, and after-school snack programs. It also determines local students’ eligibility for discounted rates on AP tests and ACT/SAT exams.
Winners drawn for Amazon cards, Chromebooks
September 22, 2021